1.   A Chambers colleague remarked on seeing it that it must be like driving around in a Smartie.

2.   A soldier saw it, fired at about seventy-five yards distance, and missed it.

3.   A star signaled overhead and he saw it.

4.   Ace could see it only because it was moving, blotting out more stars as it and the shuttle flew towards each other.

5.   After MacLeish, with excruciating self-consciousness, read her the poem, Margarett told him she had previously seen it.

6.   Although we could see it, an odd weightlessness rising from the fog, we could not pinpoint its location.

7.   An alternative way of looking at higher education is to see it as a continuing process in the reproduction of gender relations.

8.   And then he sees it, and the moment is successfully negotiated.

9.   Answering questions, I told the press the situation as I saw it.

10.   As Delbert saw it, they went on suicide missions, which was just the kind of action he wanted.

v. + it >>共 1105
do 5.90%
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use 2.51%
see 2.31%
take 2.05%
say 1.32%
put 1.27%
know 1.24%
have 1.14%
get 1.09%
see + r. >>共 59
it 28.12%
he 14.89%
they 11.07%
what 8.87%
that 6.34%
she 5.11%
this 3.23%
you 2.18%
which 2.17%
i 2.03%
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