1.   Although subtle, this shift demonstrates what health professionals see as a change in priority.

2.   And I must say, on what I see, your methods seem to work well.

3.   Because he painted so well, put down what he saw, people would admire him.

4.   Because of the enormous energy content of tsunami waves, their behavior is a little different from what we see in puddles.

5.   But I knew it was best not to confess what I had seen inside her garden shed.

6.   But many Junior doctors are unhappy about what they have seen of the new deal so far.

7.   Charles found the Stage Doorman, who was already regaling a little circle of cast with what he had seen.

8.   Draw a picture of what you actually see.

9.   Economists who have studied productivity improvement distinguish between what they see as two distinct sets of causes.

v. + what >>共 330
do 26.27%
say 7.82%
mean 4.93%
see 4.49%
call 4.39%
think 4.08%
want 3.20%
know 3.14%
expect 2.45%
have 2.11%
see + r. >>共 59
it 28.12%
he 14.89%
they 11.07%
what 8.87%
that 6.34%
she 5.11%
this 3.23%
you 2.18%
which 2.17%
i 2.03%
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