1.   And he almost got it three weeks ago when it was obvious the team was in free fall.

2.   But if the article appears less than earth-shaking, getting it into print proved a convulsive experience for the Sun newsroom.

3.   Can you imagine trying to get it out of the pot?

4.   Edwin was largely responsible for getting it off the ground.

5.   For one thing he needed hard evidence, and to get it he would have to show his hand.

6.   Getting it in the bag Good teamwork is vital here.

7.   He was after outline planning and thought he was going to get it.

8.   How does a company go about finding oil and getting it from the ground?

9.   However, neither Bush nor the protesters who throw bricks at him seem to get it.

10.   I applied for a job on Query and got it.

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