1.   Put it there!

2.   A super job would have been to go down and put it in the end zone.

3.   Although no longer used commercially, it was apparently put to occasional use grinding corn up to the start of the First World War.

4.   An electronic mine exploded under the ship and put it out of action.

5.   And putting it in an alley can cause garbage trucks to sink up to their axles.

6.   And that puts it in a different league from other singles.

7.   Another forecaster picks it second, and one other puts it in a tie for runner-up.

8.   Another way of putting it would be that the dollar is an accident waiting to happen.

9.   As one observer put it, our governments are like fat people who must lose weight.

v. + it >>共 1105
do 5.90%
make 3.06%
use 2.51%
see 2.31%
take 2.05%
say 1.32%
put 1.27%
know 1.24%
have 1.14%
get 1.09%
put + r. >>共 55
it 30.33%
they 21.40%
he 20.25%
she 4.83%
that 3.72%
i 3.36%
you 3.28%
we 2.22%
this 1.16%
everything 1.13%
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