1.   As soon as she saw this, she gave a delighted laugh, and pushed me out of the gate.

2.   As with the shipping industry, this is seen as a conflict of interest.

3.   Dad will go bananas when he sees this.

4.   Gao Yang saw this with great clarity.

5.   Having failed to see this, Bush was voted out of office.

6.   He sees this as his final fling before he retires.

7.   Heather had never seen this in him before but it provided an explanation to something that had been bothering her.

8.   However, most mathematicians would see this as a very narrow view of their subject.

9.   If you spend a year travelling after school, employers often see this in a positive light.

10.   In part, McKenna sees this as a natural reaction to the ecological crisis brought on by the modern era.

v. + this >>共 775
do 18.05%
know 3.72%
see 3.11%
say 2.88%
deny 2.69%
achieve 1.70%
take 1.41%
confirm 1.38%
use 1.38%
follow 1.27%
see + r. >>共 59
it 28.12%
he 14.89%
they 11.07%
what 8.87%
that 6.34%
she 5.11%
this 3.23%
you 2.18%
which 2.17%
i 2.03%
每页显示:    共 818