1.   A military judge came to see me and read out the charges - I had been accused of stealing a car.

2.   Although she could hardly speak, she had recently managed to express a wish to see me.

3.   Anyone else who is interested in going on the trip should see me at the end of this lesson.

4.   As he roared by, the man never saw me or stopped blabbing into his cellular telephone.

5.   As soon as he saw me he took to his heels.

6.   But I knew I had done my job when a young couple saw me and started packing up their things.

7.   But when they saw me walking out of the sea, they welcomed me warmly with cries of astonishment and delight.

8.   By the time Katherine and Gary came to see me, they were at the end of their rope.

9.   Can you arrange yourselves in a circle so that everyone can see me?

10.   Can you come and see me when you have a moment?

v. + i >>共 1017
tell 3.81%
take 2.87%
remind 2.40%
call 1.70%
help 1.64%
ask 1.54%
see 1.48%
get 1.40%
strike 1.39%
hit 1.29%
see + r. >>共 59
it 28.12%
he 14.89%
they 11.07%
what 8.87%
that 6.34%
she 5.11%
this 3.23%
you 2.18%
which 2.17%
i 2.03%
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