1.   A more qualified response might be, yes, in various ways which collectively have shaped musical life as we know it.

2.   All the black boys knew it.

3.   Almost without knowing it, they have begun to invent a radically different way of doing business in the public sector.

4.   And accustomed now to not knowing why, did not want to know it.

5.   At least the folks who roast all those chickens know it for what it is-a tortured posturing, a feigned desperation.

6.   Before I knew it, she was lying beside me in the small white tent.

7.   Before you know it, the children will be grown-up and leaving home.

8.   But he was avoiding the real issue, and he knew it.

9.   But if it meant this I ought to know it.

v. + it >>共 1105
do 5.90%
make 3.06%
use 2.51%
see 2.31%
take 2.05%
say 1.32%
put 1.27%
know 1.24%
have 1.14%
get 1.09%
know + r. >>共 53
it 18.60%
he 12.40%
that 11.09%
what 7.64%
nothing 6.63%
this 4.76%
little 4.41%
they 4.13%
who 3.81%
each_other 3.23%
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