1.   A lot of what they said on the tapes was damaging if you took it literally.

2.   A major advantage of a personal pension is that if you change jobs you can take it with you without penalty.

3.   A paramilitary group attempted to commandeer the bus and take it to Madrid.

4.   Advocates just seem to take it on faith that annexation is the only hope of salvation for this city.

5.   After a bit she became used to being stared at, even taking it as a compliment.

6.   After that Jack gave up the skiing altogether and I took it very steady.

7.   Alternatively, it can be taken in tablet or capsule form.

8.   An officer who wants to take it easy, for example, or run personal errands can do so with virtual impunity.

v. + it >>共 1105
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take + r. >>共 59
it 22.96%
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she 6.71%
that 5.39%
i 3.63%
we 2.79%
you 2.48%
more 1.86%
all 1.51%
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