1.   A ball of green wool was passed around and we used it to bind ourselves together as the singing continued.

2.   A better solution perhaps is to leave the pad out of the filter altogether only using it when necessary.

3.   A heat lamp has been installed and the Meerkats use it, especially on dull overcast days.

4.   A pail of cold water for washing was set on the floor so that performers had to bend over to use it.

5.   Albin says it was used indiscriminately as a panacea for ailments such as rheumatism, sprains, kidney disorders, and intestinal conditions.

6.   Always cover a sandpit or the local cats will use it as a toilet.

7.   Always flatten angelica with the blade of a knife before using it for Decoration.

8.   An elderly man is walking slowly and painfully close to the wall, using it as support.

9.   And if you have central air, ceiling fans can help you use it more efficiently.

v. + it >>共 1105
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use + r. >>共 50
it 37.24%
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