81.   A trial judge probably would have made the parties focus on the loan, but Jones allowed the hearing to become an impromptu therapy session.

82.   Aaron Sele probably made Roger Clemens proud.

83.   Administration officials have said that Bush will probably make his decision this month.

84.   After the Kings shipped the disappointing defenseman to Philadelphia on Tuesday, Taylor indicated that the experience probably would make the team more fiscally conservative in the future.

85.   All of which probably makes him the least bad choice.

86.   Air Force officials said a final decision on the program would probably be made around June.

87.   All things considered, Parcells has come to enjoy this group of players, even though he will probably make drastic changes after the season.

88.   All of this probably makes Alice Mills the only woman in history ever to teach high school algebra to two contenders for the same presidential nomination.

89.   Buchanan has shifted his resources to the South, however, and has said he will probably make only one stop in New York.

90.   Bowen, who was scheduled to be hospitalized overnight for observation, probably will make the trip to Orlando, but is doubtful for game action.

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