1.   City and county officials said Thursday that they were not concerned about the foreclosure and the deal probably would go through.

2.   Genes probably goes beyond most introductory courses and will also prove useful to advanced students.

3.   I know he had a dance class earlier, and he probably went to Topanga to surf.

4.   It was a moment of such pure joy that I probably went pink with pleasure.

5.   Probably she went into the Fir Tree or the village shop to get change for those calls.

6.   Several factors probably went into the editorial Decision to delete such an antiquated phrase.

7.   This need for the father probably goes back to an earlier stage of childhood than the phallic-Oedipal one to which we have so far confined our attention.

8.   If we were to decriminalize drug taking we would probably go a long way down the road to solving the problem.

d. + go >>共 466
also 4.46%
then 4.20%
just 3.74%
never 3.43%
well 3.38%
now 3.12%
so 2.97%
where 2.82%
still 2.77%
when 2.43%
probably 1.12%
probably + v. >>共 943
be 14.53%
have 6.21%
take 1.91%
go 1.77%
make 1.75%
do 1.55%
get 1.43%
come 1.30%
will 1.28%
know 1.23%
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