1.   But it just makes the relevant statistics a bit more congenial.

2.   But that just made it a very frightening experience.

3.   Could I just make a quick phone call?

4.   Denying schooling, however, would just make a bad situation worse.

5.   Did I want to seek publicity just to make myself feel better?

6.   Each was given a bedside clock as a prize-winner - just to make sure they get off to school on time!

7.   Even after the fact, their violent behaviour just did not make sense.

8.   Getting angry will just make things worse.

9.   Has a colleague just made an interesting career move?

10.   I could just make a dim figure coming towards me in the fog.

d. + make >>共 408
also 17.17%
never 4.60%
how 3.42%
clear 3.11%
only 2.98%
just 2.71%
already 2.59%
still 2.56%
not 2.47%
now 1.94%
just + v. >>共 794
want 4.90%
have 4.36%
be 3.52%
get 2.97%
go 2.56%
begin 2.00%
make 1.87%
keep 1.86%
ask 1.83%
try 1.78%
每页显示:    共 1243