21.   They will see the demonstration through, and probably make some excuse at the end to delay the purchase decision.

22.   No I think I can probably make t one out of two of those.

23.   And, all of you will probably make different choices.

24.   Yes, we could probably make them, but they would be rather difficult.

25.   Horrible term, probably made by engineering or something.

26.   Although its impossible to estimate where that might get you, it probably would make an enormous difference.

27.   Also, the researchers said, SI cover appearances probably make players try harder to do well to justify further media attention.

28.   Although faster impulses probably do not make a muscle contract with greater force or speed, they might help synchronize motor neurons.

29.   Although some North Koreans choose to stay in China, more probably make short trips back and forth for food and supplies, experts said.

30.   Analysts said the revisions mean the export figures now probably make more sense than before.

d. + make >>共 408
also 17.17%
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clear 3.11%
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probably 1.09%
probably + v. >>共 943
be 14.53%
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come 1.30%
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