1.   A houseful of people watched me around the clock, which only made me more determined.

2.   But a steady diet of soft, sugary foods will only make matters worse.

3.   But eventually the truth will emerge in areas where now we can only make guesses.

4.   Chastising By chastising a horse, we only make a tense situation worse.

5.   Decisions about the effectiveness and appropriateness of different behaviours can only be made within the context of particular situations and specific objectives.

6.   Economise on fabric by only making the frill to cover the front of the chair.

7.   He came to the US and not only made it but made it big.

8.   He paused only to make a few notes, and left.

d. + make >>共 408
also 17.17%
never 4.60%
how 3.42%
clear 3.11%
only 2.98%
just 2.71%
already 2.59%
still 2.56%
not 2.47%
now 1.94%
only + v. >>共 924
be 5.28%
have 4.49%
make 2.64%
get 2.18%
take 1.49%
see 1.40%
go 1.24%
begin 1.18%
find 1.18%
hope 1.16%
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