41.   And for Fuller and Jarmusch, the trip probably made for a nice write- off.

42.   And he said White House support would probably make an amendment on school prayer easier to move through state legislatures, most of which are still dominated by Democrats.

43.   And heating and cooling the steel probably made it stronger.

44.   And if a motion involving censure is termed nongermane, Democrats will probably make such an appeal and pose it as a chance to vote for censure.

45.   And if I finish my canary-counting early, I can probably make it to caravan before they sell out of ginger!

46.   And lawmakers said that if they returned this summer, they would probably make some judicial appointments and reconsider the HIV testing bill and the casino gambling amendment.

47.   And if they had been publishing, it probably would have made no difference.

48.   And the Giants probably would not make one.

49.   And one probably could make as much of a case for a David E. Kelley vision as a Craig Lucas world view.

50.   And seated in front of Jargo, Willard Larsen said he would like to vote for Bradley but probably would not make it to the caucuses.

d. + make >>共 408
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probably + v. >>共 943
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