71.   A couple of them probably make out-and-out racists weep in their beer.

72.   A figure of winged Father Time with raised arm holding a sickle was probably made as a doorbell for a shop and probably meant to be robed.

73.   A decaying infrastructure in Cuba probably will make it hard for millers to get the most out of the crop even with increased use of fertilizer, traders said.

74.   A decision on the alternatives probably will be made this summer.

75.   A home run or two on this homestand would probably make the fans forget the winter.

76.   A loss in either game probably would make Nebraska an at-large BCS team.

77.   A statement he made probably nine years ago hangs hauntingly, like a birdie putt on the lip.

78.   A state Department of Health spokeswoman said the report is still in the works and probably will be made public next week.

79.   A spokeswoman for Sundquist, a Republican who supports the death penalty, said the governor would probably make a decision this weekend.

80.   A stain will probably make the wood mold resistant for about two years.

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