61.   Because to see what those people go through and everything, probably make me sick to my stomach, to see how they rot in they cells.

62.   Because all debts are settled in kind, The Corporation ensures that a farm will never have any cash, and mostly probably never make a profit.

63.   Bill Breedlove says that inclement weather would probably make any attempt at Black Rock pointless anyhow.

64.   Blocked by magnetic fields and other obstacles, the particles probably never make it here, but radiation they generate can.

65.   Bobby Ayala probably has made his only meaningful appearance in the American League divisional playoffs.

66.   Bonds probably was making some remark about how the Mets would intentionally walk him, with first base open, which Reed did.

67.   Both circumstances probably make more news than when a person kills a person.

68.   Bledsoe says the last interception he threw, in the AFC Championship Game against the Jacksonville Jaguars, was a throw that he would probably make again.

69.   -- He made probably the best direct contribution to the fight on crime that the federal government can make, offering communities help in hiring police.

70.   A decision on the meeting will probably be made tomorrow, the official said.

d. + make >>共 408
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