51.   And it probably makes sense for America to be elected to the main budgeting committees.

52.   And they will probably make this silly story of a football nerd a bigger hit on home video.

53.   Andy Pettitte will probably make his scheduled start at Yankee Stadium Thursday against the Montreal Expos.

54.   And you can probably make a good car possibly very good if you do the right things to it.

55.   Any one of the elements just listed would probably have made this killing a big news story, let alone all of them together.

56.   Article titles featured on this site will probably make some Christians angry.

57.   As he said a month ago, Johnson stated that the club will probably soon make changes to the fifth hole.

58.   As an enticement, administration officials said, additional federal money would probably be made available to states that back fees.

59.   Baerga probably will make the team as a utility infielder, but his role is larger than that.

60.   Baker said that American will probably make money with its new discount, but he added that the amount is unlikely to be substantial.

d. + make >>共 408
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probably + v. >>共 943
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