1.   A friend from Alabama never made chili without okra, and her chili was legendary.

2.   A gay, black female singer would never make it.

3.   A previous user of the review machine had tried to send some faxes which never made it down the wire.

4.   An amendment imposing term limits was defeated in the House and never made it to the Senate.

5.   And initial notification of such a takeover bid is almost never made by letter, for secrecy reasons.

6.   At this rate, she will never make the north coast by nightfall.

7.   Bright white shoes and bags tried sneaking into the fashion picture last spring but never made it.

8.   But somehow that food never makes it to Saturday night dinner.

9.   But, at least, the agent never makes an inferior choice, never choosing x when y has greater expected utility.

10.   Clowns in the social world of soccer fans, are the pathetic figures who will never make it.

d. + make >>共 408
also 17.17%
never 4.60%
how 3.42%
clear 3.11%
only 2.98%
just 2.71%
already 2.59%
still 2.56%
not 2.47%
now 1.94%
never + v. >>共 731
be 8.25%
have 4.46%
see 3.38%
get 2.63%
know 2.39%
make 2.00%
come 1.51%
do 1.48%
go 1.47%
hear 1.45%
每页显示:    共 2107