1.   Again, these can be used to assess potential export demand or continuity of import supplies.

2.   Alternatively, you can select one of the iron-on transfer designs - these can be used on most fabrics.

3.   American use this to ask someone to do something for you or help you with something.

4.   He had used this in a practical way in solving problems with which the helicopter abounds.

5.   Once approved, these are used as the basis for governmental policy review.

6.   The business has changed beyond recognition since Cyril took over from his father.?

7.   Most of the science teachers are male.?

v. + this >>共 775
do 18.05%
know 3.72%
see 3.11%
say 2.88%
deny 2.69%
achieve 1.70%
take 1.41%
confirm 1.38%
use 1.38%
follow 1.27%
use + r. >>共 50
it 37.24%
they 20.54%
that 17.89%
which 9.23%
he 3.78%
this 1.75%
one 0.98%
who 0.81%
she 0.79%
what 0.68%
每页显示:    共 362