1.   A maid took me into the sitting room, where a very pretty lady with dark hair was working at a typewriter.

2.   Alf said joining the club would take me out of myself.

3.   Another afternoon she took me with her to deliver the knitted garments.

4.   Before they left, Colette took me to one side and warned me about Bernard.

5.   But the first time I conducted it I needed an ambulance to take me home!

6.   But the path took me back into darkness and I felt my first real twinge of panic.

7.   Could you take me to the station, please?

8.   Dick took me to the party and, for once, I let myself go completely.

9.   Elsa took me into her confidence and told me about some of the problems she was facing.

10.   Emily took me by the hand and led me into the garden.

v. + i >>共 1017
tell 3.81%
take 2.87%
remind 2.40%
call 1.70%
help 1.64%
ask 1.54%
see 1.48%
get 1.40%
strike 1.39%
hit 1.29%
take + r. >>共 59
it 22.96%
he 20.93%
they 15.85%
she 6.71%
that 5.39%
i 3.63%
we 2.79%
you 2.48%
more 1.86%
all 1.51%
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