1.   A healthy man to put himself into a sickbed of his own accord.

2.   A knee injury put him out of action for three months.

3.   But the role has put him at odds with the United States and stirred controversy in his own country.

4.   But this had never required him to put himself in the spotlight.

5.   Exclaiming that he was already a priest, Quirnus insisted that the magistrate put him to death.

6.   Franco put his in his mouth and chewed it up, he was teething at the time.

7.   Gently, he carried him outside and put him in the basket.

8.   He chose an all-or-nothing strategy to put himself in the top performers in the Great Grain Challenge.

9.   He freely acknowledges that he allowed the behaviour of others to put him off the career he really wanted.

10.   He had a knee injury, which put him out of the reckoning.

v. + he >>共 1026
take 2.29%
arrest 1.53%
see 1.50%
accuse 1.46%
kill 1.36%
say 1.12%
replace 1.11%
keep 1.08%
find 1.06%
put 1.04%
put + r. >>共 55
it 30.33%
they 21.40%
he 20.25%
she 4.83%
that 3.72%
i 3.36%
you 3.28%
we 2.22%
this 1.16%
everything 1.13%
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