1.   Any architect knows that, as a rule, old buildings are more soundly built than new ones.

2.   Blacks knew that every peaceful March and favorable court Decision was being answered with acts of officially sanctioned violence.

3.   Both the glass jars and the steel cans are recyclable, but you knew that.

4.   Both words are on the same page of the dictionary, but of course you know that.

5.   But Sally was not to know that and she was mortified.

6.   I could hear strange voices outside the room.?

7.   Enter Sub Pop, the label that ultimately became known as the home of grunge.

8.   Even though your knees trembled and your heart fluttered and you felt weak with longing, how could you melt, knowing that?

9.   Every door to door salesman knows that.

10.   He knew that just across the border lay freedom.

v. + that >>共 1126
do 8.79%
say 3.78%
use 2.92%
know 1.79%
have 1.58%
include 1.54%
change 1.28%
see 1.26%
take 1.17%
make 1.03%
know + r. >>共 53
it 18.60%
he 12.40%
that 11.09%
what 7.64%
nothing 6.63%
this 4.76%
little 4.41%
they 4.13%
who 3.81%
each_other 3.23%
每页显示:    共 2281