91.  As they keep silent to college students and professors, they often make rackets in their so-called office which stands beside washroom or in the corridor.

92.  Freshmen are usually interested in many activities so they join in four or five or more at the same time.

93.  However, their love generally last for only a semester or a year.

94.  It is quite common for the freshmen to ask the seniors which department's girls are the best or which association is suitable for them to take part in.

95.  Stereotypes on campus are, to some degree, widely accepted by college students, no matter if they are right or wrong.

96.  After a minute or two, he gave me a kind look and asked me to wait at home for their contact.

97.  But nowadays Chinese young was judged by whether they are going to study abroad or not.

98.  This can be due to my sloth and undisciplined way of living, or I have been deeply affected by that "dictum" or some other sayings like that.

99.  Since that, tardy appearances or absences were really common.

100.  What's more, in class, my attention can be forced to focus on the book in a whole fifty minutes while in room, I'll think of snacks inside the box or PSP in the cupboard from time to time.

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