41.  Boys who have long hair either engage in arts or lack of manhood.

42.  So no matter in morality or in reality, women are supposed to be protected out of the reason that women are weaker.

43.  "So study doesn't mean any excitement or happiness to you?

44.  No matter on campus or on daily life, stereotyping are everywhere, on our mind.

45.  Stereotype, a fixed idea or image that many people have of a particular type of person thing but which is often not true in reality, can be found everywhere, and so do campus.

46.  I can see many students read books in the library on the weekends and many students write homework or review lessons in the classrooms after school.

47.  As a result, more and more experts have been considering whether the education is fair or not.

48.  I think nowadays you should learn more about me rather than judge me just from the vision of the past or based on your imagined characteristics of the group I belong to.

49.  We both had patterns of freshmen and sophomores in our minds in accordance with our own assumptions--what a freshman or sophomore "should" be like.

50.  He frowned or smiled in accordance with the music as if he was immersed in another world.

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