51.  He frowned or smiled in accordance with the music as if he was immersed in another world.

52.  While the study king or queen's answer is definitely studying.

53.  The god or goddess may answer that he or she is playing.

54.  He frowned or smiled in accordance with the music as if he was immersed in another world.

55.  He frowned or smiled in accordance with the music as if he was immersed in another world.

56.  Learning is our own thing; good or bad achievement is depend on us.

57.  Or you meet someone first, you may ask them about their majors.

58.  The science departments boys maybe eager for pretty girls to fulfill their boring lives, maybe they need to learn something written in words not figures or letters, maybe they just want to use their right brains.

59.  My dorm mate gradually told us some interesting things in the course and when she finished the homework successfully or worked out some difficult question she was excited more than ever.

60.  According to my experience, the stereotyping on campus can often be divided into two kinds, one is related to appearance, and the other is related to department or school.

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