81.  Most of the girls I asked preferred working for two or three years after graduation, and until then would they choose to get married or have their babies.

82.  One of my friends, Tommy, a boy on our campus, told me that his roommates had a strong believe that girls should get married between 23 and 25, or it was too late.

83.  When we lack personal experience or significant knowledge with certain groups of people, we tend to stereotype, which sometimes causes discrimination.

84.  It is obvious that they are not willing to be disturbed and the male usually don't like that there is another male sitting in front of or beside the female .

85.  In my opinion, they'd better sit in the diagonal direction of each other instead of face to face or side by side.

86.  But what we usually see is that couples are sitting face to face or side by side, which contradicts what they wish.

87.  Or a fashion boy, sitting in his luxury car playing his ipad and iphone, waits his fifth girlfriend?

88.  Sometimes we often think that we ourselves are weak or not that good at many things.

89.  We should force ourselves to get a high level no matter what stereotype we ourselves or persons around us have.

90.  Although she was clever and always got extremely high grades in her tests, she never felt proud or showed bad temper to her classmates, which was very common for girls like her.

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