1.  She is just a plain girl in our classroom and may or may not be needed.

2.  Traditionally women are supposed or doomed to play as affectionate wives.

3.  The society can't esteem or even receive men not that brave, not that "man".

4.  The fundamental role of a university is educating students, or to be more precise, cultivating talents.

5.  Maybe I give too much, or not give enough.

6.  In order to get it, I'll listen to radio programs or watch TV programs in English everyday.

7.  This approach not only can't learn English listening, or even completely ignores the listening.

8.  In order to reduce such incidence, I will watch movies by listening or cover the subtitle.

9.  So members with doubts and alternate ideas do not speak out or contradict the leader of the group, especially when the leader is strong-willed.

10.  They also frequently send text messages or make phone calls, which takes up more time.

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