31.  We glanced at him several times, intentionally or unintentionally, as if to learn some experience from him.

32.  Sometimes, we even expected him to raise up hands to work out the question written on the blackboard, or to point out an ignored mistake made by the teacher.

33.  One or two weeks later, no one mentioned the boy any more.

34.  Hot weather drove the excited feelings out of our mind gradually and dad started to complain ceaselessly, 'You are always bringing so much stuff no matter whether it is useful or not.

35.  When playing the Guqin, he frowned or smiled in accordance with the music as if he was immersed in another world.

36.  Regardless of the region prejudice from northern part to southern part or one province to another, even within a province, sharing similar lifestyles and values, there still exists stereotyping from each other.

37.  On campus, we are considered as top students or smarter ones.

38.  However, No one has the privilege to classify or categorize every individual.

39.  And, under normal circumstances, these reputations are unchanged or hard to be changed at least, no matter what the university or even the society tries to do with it.

40.  You could hardly withdraw your eyes from her no matter you are girls or boys.

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