101.  A growing variety of software programs are available to scramble your data so that only you can view it.

102.  A half-dozen giants are bidding for the right to launch satellites that can pump streams of data directly into homes.

103.  A handful are sitting on large cash surpluses.

104.  A handful have been licensed already, and scores are queuing.

105.  A handful of dramas make the grade but the sitcoms are failing miserably.

106.  A handful of professionals are admitted as honorary members.

107.  A handful of smaller companies are making Mac clones for high-end graphics applications and other niche Markets.

108.  A handful of zealots at bus stops manipulates Belfast workers who are freshly aware of possible bombings on urban streets.

109.  A healthy competition for places is never a bad thing and only Campbell, Scholes and Beckham are virtually certain of selection.

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