1.  A very comprehensive manual, telephone help line and a full on-screen tutorial are all included in the price of the software.

2.  A whole range of leisure pursuits, hobbies, social encounters, information sources, are automatically excluded.

3.  Absent are the smells of Old Spice, sweat and fingerprint ink of the homicide bureau.

4.  After the fantasy performance, we, the individuals doing the fantasising, are left with some reactions to our fantasy.

5.  All the men he knows are fathers or grandfathers and it is in that capacity that he knows them.

6.  Alternatively, artificial footpath surfaces, which are not as susceptible to erosion, May be provided.

7.  Among the most delicious are pea shoots and pea leaves, which are often stir-fried with garlic.

8.  And when that time does come, young twits are going to sneer at you, incredible as that May seem.

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