61.  A few living jawless fish are the only remnant of this ancient group, and they are highly specialized forms.

62.  A few neon signs are beginning to appear on the larger buildings advertising the usual Western wares such as Levi jeans.

63.  A few of the drugs are experimental and not covered by insurance companies.

64.  A few of the top executives are women, but this is still exceptional.

65.  A few other fossil species of Rhus are known from the Tertiary rocks.

66.  A few parents are having their children circumcised in hospital to save some time and expense.

67.  A few traders are concerned by the recent drop in the stock Market, but most are not fazed.

68.  A few unsprayed crops might survive providing most are sprayed but if none was sprayed, widespread damage would ensure in some years.

69.  A few varieties of supple-stemmed rambler are just as suitable for this purpose, covering many square yards once they become established.

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