21.  A circle is a shape on which all points are equidistant from some point lying inside.

22.  A clearer view exists of what services are not than of any positive identification of their characteristics.

23.  A colleague and I are currently involved in considering major changes in a very large organization.

24.  A collection of these tags makes up a style sheet and, together with the skeleton document, are saved as a template.

25.  A company is allowed to carry on business in the usual way until steps are taken to enforce the charge.

26.  A complete planned maintenance programme is necessary to ensure that pests are controlled and hygiene standards are maintained.

27.  A considerable number of events are staged to attract television cameras.

28.  A considerable proportion of parenting is in the mundane details that women are raised to manage.

29.  A control group had to be examined as well as the group that we are studying.

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