71.  A field test is a more formal means of ratification in which the draft criteria are applied on a trial basis.

72.  A fifth of all freshwater fish are either extinct or endangered.

73.  A fifth of all road fatalities are caused by people not wearing seatbelts.

74.  A flat-calm water, clear sky and a bright quarter moon are not the sort of conditions we associate with good catches.

75.  A floating point accelerator, larger disk and memory expansion are options.

76.  A Florida controversy illustrates how some courts are applying Connick in schools.

77.  A form of meditation, I suppose, at the end of which you have either reached nirvana or are completely mad.

78.  A friend and I are planning to visit Ireland this summer.

79.  A further advantage seems to be the continued response in patients who are defaulting regularly.

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