1.  - why are we losing the heritage of so many traditional pubs?

2.  A Ant nests are commonly found among paving, lawns and in flowerbeds.

3.  A brother and sister are split apart, and his identity gets swallowed up in an institution.

4.  A case that is considered thoroughly is looked at in the round and all the relevant factors are taken into proper consideration.

5.  A certain number of days are set aside throughout the session for non-governmental business.

6.  A collection of these tags makes up a style sheet and, together with the skeleton document, are saved as a template.

7.  A company is allowed to carry on business in the usual way until steps are taken to enforce the charge.

8.  A complete planned maintenance programme is necessary to ensure that pests are controlled and hygiene standards are maintained.

9.  A considerable number of events are staged to attract television cameras.

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