31.  A couple from London are celebrating a big lottery win.

32.  A couple of cookies are as good as a couple of aspirin.

33.  A couple of earlier recordings are slightly disappointing compared to his live performances, but this low-key album shows Anderson to perfection.

34.  A couple of other books are worthy of mention.

35.  A couple of the older bucks are very dark with fine, wide antlers.

36.  A crack had developed in one of the main cooling pipes which are used to convey water.

37.  A cracker can also eavesdrop using wiretapping, radio, or auxiliary ports on computers, which are used by network programs.

38.  A crash is a moment of panic when events are out of control and outlandish predictions become thinkable.

39.  A depth gauge is essential for telling you how deep you are when diving.

40.  A direct and obvious example is that many Marine animals are dispersed around the globe by ocean currents.

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