1.   Follow this to a brief respite and winding shed.

2.   Follow this, bearing left to reach some small ruined buildings and a water race.

3.   For a deeper cure this can be followed up with the constitutional remedy.

4.   She followed this until it branched off.

5.   These are followed by a discussion of characteristics of thought of the preoperational child.

6.   This is followed by a tour of the National Stud.

7.   This is followed by discussion of the political system, a third major concept used to analyze these collectivities.

8.   This is followed closely by discounted admission to racecourses and greyhound tracks.

9.   This is followed however by pitta bread, a cheese sandwich, crisps and a midnight bowl of porridge.

v. + this >>共 775
do 18.05%
know 3.72%
see 3.11%
say 2.88%
deny 2.69%
achieve 1.70%
take 1.41%
confirm 1.38%
use 1.38%
follow 1.27%
follow + r. >>共 51
he 26.40%
it 15.25%
they 14.43%
that 14.16%
she 8.05%
this 6.43%
which 3.41%
i 2.97%
we 1.74%
you 1.45%
每页显示:    共 334