71.   Rumour had it that Gaunt had poisoned his sister-in-law in order to gain possession of the whole of the inheritance.

72.   Rumour had it that she only Married him for his money.

73.   Rumour has it that he contracted a venereal disease at some point and sought medical treatment.

74.   Rumour has it that there will be major job cuts in the new year.

75.   Somewhere in the Great Hall, as luck would have it, were two managing directors from Salomon Brothers.

76.   Taxing poverty Popular myth has it that poor peasants and casual workers in the Third World do not pay tax.

77.   That he succeeds in having it both ways is our experience of reading his Novel in its dominant and thriller aspect.

78.   The hypocrites take, or are given, all, and once they have it, show their real selves.

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