1.   But, on the second day, the police mounted a paramilitary-style operation to clear the entrance forcibly.

2.   He was in the Oval Office, on the second day of trying to sell his economic plan.

3.   Late in the second day, they passed miles and miles of spinach fields watered with sprinklers.

4.   My feet were still bone dry at the end of the second day.

5.   On just the second day of the trip, I was bitten on the leg by a snake.

6.   On the second day in the city, he had wandered by the Tribune and seen the advertisement of Stark and Evans.

7.   On the second last day Dilip drove to Jodhpur to stay in a hotel.

8.   Rain and bad light brought several interruptions, made batting difficult, and took the game into a second day.

a. + day >>共 390
next 12.78%
second 7.51%
recent 7.46%
first 6.47%
same 4.54%
last 3.99%
straight 2.84%
third 2.72%
coming 2.30%
final 2.13%
second + n. >>共 806
half 9.38%
time 6.38%
round 5.87%
day 5.52%
quarter 3.31%
set 2.25%
place 2.17%
game 2.14%
term 1.94%
year 1.93%
每页显示:    共 5157