1.   Denver ran a mighty interference and on the third day flat-out asked Paul D how long he was going to hang around.

2.   For the first day, she made some sense but by the third day she was totally incoherent.

3.   In addition to investor skittishness over the impeachment threat, the technology sector plunged for the third consecutive day.

4.   On the morning of the third day, I got up, dressed, and went downstairs for breakfast.

5.   On the third day Jesus rose from the dead.

6.   On the third day of his visit, Hope and Joseph Robinson went char fishing.

7.   On the third day, I am strong enough to wash and do my laundry.

8.   So on the third day she turned homeward, for what else could she do?

9.   The allegation came on the third day of an insurance fraud trial at Snaresbrook Crown Court.

10.   The bizarre development came as the Irvin drug possession trial dragged through its third day of jury selection.

a. + day >>共 390
next 12.78%
second 7.51%
recent 7.46%
first 6.47%
same 4.54%
last 3.99%
straight 2.84%
third 2.72%
coming 2.30%
final 2.13%
third + n. >>共 793
quarter 8.61%
time 6.31%
day 4.79%
round 4.08%
place 3.88%
period 3.55%
game 2.90%
inning 2.43%
set 2.31%
year 2.27%
每页显示:    共 1869