1.   Airline stocks also have been weak in recent days because of investor worries the East Coast blizzard will trim earnings.

2.   And while the water has receded in recent days, some sections of the road remain flooded.

3.   Both sides have sought in recent days to hook jurors by summing up four months of testimony in a few catchy slogans.

4.   But nobody at Westminster in recent days has failed to notice Messrs Clarke and Heseltine looking very pleased with themselves.

5.   But the relationship with Pataki deteriorated precipitously in recent days as McCaughey Ross openly defied him.

6.   Darr insists, however, that his group lagged behind the opposition, Concerned Citizens for Metro Nashville, until recent days.

7.   Despite the rebel gains, Western diplomats have been upbeat in recent days about the prospects for peace.

8.   In recent days, I have spoken to women of various classes, colors and ages, and we all agree.

9.   Many writers and intellectuals, particularly in recent days, have left the country altogether.

10.   Several newly found motifs have renewed our pilgrimage in recent days, though they have not made the task lighter.

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