1.   A second round of talks got under way this week.

2.   But the real golden goose comes in the second round.

3.   Lewis bided his time in the second round, but his opportunity came when Grant stumbled forward after a clumsy lunge.

4.   She emerged victorious in the second round of voting.

5.   We were a shot over in the second round and I began to wonder whether he would be mounting a serious challenge.

6.   Tiger Woods went out of the championships, after a disastrous second round.

7.   There will have to be a second round of voting when new candidates can enter the fray.

a. + round >>共 253
first 24.06%
second 20.70%
final 6.17%
third 6.00%
new 4.94%
next 4.84%
fourth 3.15%
latest 2.55%
opening 2.39%
the 2.24%
second + n. >>共 806
half 9.38%
time 6.38%
round 5.87%
day 5.52%
quarter 3.31%
set 2.25%
place 2.17%
game 2.14%
term 1.94%
year 1.93%
每页显示:    共 5487