1.   Already Sunday, pictures of a grinning Mohammed Aldura were on posters exhorting Palestinians to fight against Israel, as they did for the fourth straight day.

2.   And for the second straight day, Lasorda strongly denied any talks with Seattle about ace Randy Johnson.

3.   And in Italy, bonds rose for the third straight day amid optimism the government there will reach an agreement on budget cuts with the Communist party.

4.   And Steve Howe, pitching for the third straight day against Cleveland, saved his third straight game.

5.   And starting Monday, the Mets play in Yankee Stadium three straight days, with the looming possibility of ignominious humiliation for George Steinbrenner.

6.   And the vaunted Yankees, who were favorites in the division, cannot combine for two straight days of peace?

7.   And the Amex oil index has fallen for two straight days.

8.   And with the Dodgers makeshift lineup -- missing Gary Sheffield and Mark Grudzielanek for the second straight day -- because of injuries, another gem from Prokopec was necessary.

9.   Anderson, who missed his third straight day of practice Wednesday, is nursing a sore left hamstring.

10.   Argentine shares rose for a fourth straight day as CEI Citicorp Holdings SA surged on the prospect it may purchase another cable company.

a. + day >>共 390
next 12.78%
second 7.51%
recent 7.46%
first 6.47%
same 4.54%
last 3.99%
straight 2.84%
third 2.72%
coming 2.30%
final 2.13%
straight + n. >>共 396
day 13.50%
game 13.30%
year 7.02%
session 4.64%
set 4.33%
loss 3.03%
month 3.02%
victory 2.95%
win 2.52%
line 2.41%
每页显示:    共 1952