1.   Both eased their way to victory over Yorkshire and Surrey to set up a final day showdown.

2.   Bush got a significant boost in the final days before the recess from two votes in the House of Representatives.

3.   Cardinal Barnabo of Propaganda had said as much to Corrigan that final day in Rome.

4.   Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., died in the final days of the GOP-led Congress last year.

5.   Dozens of extra staff were drafted in yesterday - the final day - and an extra car park was opened.

6.   Four other abandoned children whose final days had not been as comfortable were buried that same day.

7.   In the end, in the final few days, the Labour campaign atrophied.

8.   On the final day when Anlec fell Mentheus was killed as he led the assault.

a. + day >>共 390
next 12.78%
second 7.51%
recent 7.46%
first 6.47%
same 4.54%
last 3.99%
straight 2.84%
third 2.72%
coming 2.30%
final 2.13%
final + n. >>共 723
decision 5.81%
game 3.56%
round 3.42%
day 3.06%
minute 2.66%
result 2.28%
approval 2.26%
year 1.46%
report 1.46%
vote 1.43%
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