1.   A noticeable change in the nature of protest has occurred in recent years.

2.   Advances in molecular biology in recent years have served to emphasize the possible relationships between homoeopathy, immunology and genetics.

3.   Again and again in recent years evolutionary biologists have found themselves returning to the theme of parasites.

4.   All the evidence suggests that the problem has improved in recent years.

5.   Although banking remains important, the most profitable area for expansion in recent years has been manufacturing.

6.   And in recent years, it has blossomed into an avant-garde arts center.

7.   And medical costs have gone up faster in recent years than other prices.

8.   And while many blacks have prospered financially, recent years in particular have brought heightened economic disparities within the black community.

9.   Anger at the fingerprinting this entails has become increasingly rampant in recent years.

10.   Another feature of building society expansion in recent years has been the increasing concentration of the industry through merger activity.

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