51.   And players probably would do the same for the coach of a two-time NBA champion like Daly.

52.   And when he actually gallops, he works about a mile and we probably do that twice a week.

53.   And when schools stray too far from the basics, they take time away from what they do best and do things they probably do not do well.

54.   And they probably do, but not well enough.

55.   And, indeed, Joe probably did.

56.   As for New York, visitors without hotel reservations this fall, especially around the holidays, and much of next year, will probably do well to fuhgeddaboutit.

57.   As she sang, a young woman from Memphis moved her hips on the dance floor in a way that looked like it hurt but probably did not.

58.   As things stand, the ex-communists would probably do well.

59.   Atlanta probably does as well as any market in the nation, said Bob Sokol, sales manager for Architectural Construction Renovations by Paul Reardon.

60.   ATLANTA - Michelle Kwan could probably do a triple flip blindfolded on rusty skates after two days without sleep.

d. + do >>共 432
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never 2.68%
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again 2.30%
so 2.29%
probably 0.76%
probably + v. >>共 943
be 14.53%
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take 1.91%
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do 1.55%
get 1.43%
come 1.30%
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know 1.23%
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