1.   A product like this should do well in the commercial Market.

2.   A testator would do well, however, to set up a trust if he was concerned that his will might fail.

3.   American children did less well in math than their peers in Japan.

4.   And heavy rain, at this period of the siege, was something that the garrison could have well done without.

5.   And it might well have done.

6.   And so far, he is doing well in the public opinion polls with female voters.

7.   Blues singers do well in Ireland, as Celts have a feeling for Negro music.

8.   Both banks and insurance companies can do well in a low-interest-rate world because their cost of funds will be low.

9.   But by no means do all ordinary children do well, nor all deprived children poorly.

10.   But he pushed the shot directly into a grove of sturdy trees from which he would have done well to make bogey.

d. + do >>共 432
not 10.09%
well 7.65%
more 4.84%
better 4.38%
how 3.69%
now 2.97%
never 2.68%
also 2.42%
again 2.30%
so 2.29%
well + v. >>共 532
do 14.60%
know 6.39%
play 5.52%
be 5.06%
go 5.03%
work 3.84%
perform 2.26%
mix 1.93%
fare 1.41%
sell 1.31%
每页显示:    共 4453