1.   Alamaro and Patrick think they can do better.

2.   All treatment groups did better than controls on drinking measures and legal problems.

3.   At first glance, they seemed to do much better under hypnosis but the improved performance was mostly skin-deep.

4.   But assuming for the moment that we can do better than fight over the trough, how do we do it?

5.   But if you want to try a hot tub I can do better than that.

6.   But this teams needs more continuity than up to now and it can still do a lot better.

7.   But you just watch Nick Faldo play a round of golf in a Major, no-one does it better.

8.   Even if I had done better in law school, it would have been hard to find a Decent job.

9.   Girls do better in math class.

d. + do >>共 432
not 10.09%
well 7.65%
more 4.84%
better 4.38%
how 3.69%
now 2.97%
never 2.68%
also 2.42%
again 2.30%
so 2.29%
better + v. >>共 565
do 15.33%
know 11.98%
fare 4.15%
get 4.03%
play 3.87%
work 3.15%
be 3.10%
understand 2.27%
serve 2.00%
perform 1.99%
每页显示:    共 2550