11.   There is nothing on record to show that he and Coward discussed the affliction at the time of their Coliseum meeting, but they probably did.

12.   But as the programme is boring with respect to TSB it will probably do!

13.   And they are something that they could probably do something about.

14.   She probably would have done if she had been left to her own devices!

15.   He probably did it to countless women all the time.

16.   Simple, except that Stan was probably doing almost sixty through the centre of town!

17.   That is something one could now probably do to Kinzu.

18.   Had the option to continue at Hummersknott been available, I would probably have done so.

19.   Buckley probably does do it differently, working towards less confrontation and for a solution that will last.

20.   In his seventh year at Easter Road, Miller has probably done more than anyone else to keep Hibs afloat.

d. + do >>共 432
not 10.09%
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never 2.68%
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again 2.30%
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probably 0.76%
probably + v. >>共 943
be 14.53%
have 6.21%
take 1.91%
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do 1.55%
get 1.43%
come 1.30%
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know 1.23%
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