1.   A brisk walk or jog for half-an-hour will do much more to build stamina than a twelve-second sprint.

2.   After two days, the negotiators had done little more than agree to disagree.

3.   Almost without thinking about it you will be doing more moving around, walking faster, taking stairs without strain, and so on.

4.   Although it is too early to do little more than guess, Lockyer said, a second area might be government restructuring.

5.   Among more radical monetarists and free Marketeers there remains disappointment that the government had not done more to shift the middle ground.

6.   Artistic Director Barbara Oliver has done more than put together a strong cast.

7.   But Ifor can, and now will, do more to pursue justice as well as peace.

8.   Certainly Clinton and Gore could have done more to advance civil liberties.

9.   Companies should also do more to improve flexibility for parents.

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